

All apologies for the lack of a decent update the last few days. As an excuse, I can proffer only this: December is a motherfucker. Rife with portentous birthdays, anniversaries, and other dark days of note, a month of emotional landmines it is. And that’s not even taking into account the holidays. Or the extended negotiations I’ve been in for the last several weeks over significant details of my job. Long story short, I decided to stir some shit in order to get some changes I needed made. The dust has settled and for the most part, I was successful but it didn’t come easy.

To whit, it’s been hard to think of much original to say, here or anywhere else. In my offtime, I have been mostly staying busy and keeping my head down. Doing lot of housekeeping this weekend in preparation for some company, in between re-watching S4 of The Wire on dvd. (More on that later.)

I hereby pledge to return to loquaciousness and conviviality, posthaste.

3 Responses

  1. I need to get the Wire season 4 DVD to watch… or hopefully the cable OnDemand will kick in.

    I hereby pledge to return to loquaciousness and conviviality, posthaste.

    Heh. Use those words in a poem.

  2. Use those words in a poem.

    Use the word “please” and I might consider it

  3. Ack honey, I was joking!

    Those words seem so unsexy, whereas your poetry…

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